Sunday, September 6, 2015

Đặng Lê Gia Thịnh-Visa process Updates

* June 04 2015:

Herbie Fund introduced FRAGOMEN to VSCAS. FRAGOMEN will support the VISA application.
VSCAS tried to connect the Family with FRAGOMEN

* June 16 2015:

FRAGOMEN began contact VSCAS and Family via email:
Information/Documentation Request:

1.        A copy of the Canadian Host Family Agreement;
2.        Proof of the family's ties to Vietnam evidencing their intention to return following the surgery (ie. lease agreement, proof of land ownership, marriage certificate for Thinh Le Gia's parents, etc.);
3.        Copy of Host's passport bio page;
4.        Copy of Host's utility bill in order to confirm his residential address;
5.        Copies of Host's recent bank statements as proof of available funds to support Thinh Le Gia and his mother while in Toronto;
6.        Copy of Host's most recent Notice of Assessment; and
7.        Copy of Host's recent payslip or employment confirmation letter, if applicable.
Note: 5,6, and 7: paperwork from VSCAS 

Process Overview:

We will begin working on the visitor application forms shortly. Once complete, we will forward a copy to Ms. Le to have the family review and sign the completed forms. Once we receive the signed forms back from the family, we will submit the complete application online to the consulate in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. The current processing time is 29 days, however, I will request expedited processing and hope to receive a positive decision in a shorter time frame.

* July 17 2015:

FRAGOMEN sent the family soft copies of the following forms to complete:

  • Application for Visitor Visa (Temporary Resident Visa) form for Phuong ;   
  • Application for Visitor Visa (Temporary Resident Visa) form for Gia ;   
  • Family Information form; 
  • Schedule 1 form; 
  • Use of Representative
  • Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual form. 
  • Consent Letter;for the child's father

Once all information on the application form is complete, please click the "validate" button found at the bottom of each last page. Please then send FRAGOMEN (1) the electronic unsigned copy and (2) a scanned copy of the completed, signed and validated form.

Also, once the "Consent Letter" are complete, please scan a copy to FRAGOMEN.

In addition, we require the following documents.

Additional Documentation Required:

1.  Proof of the family's ties to Vietnam evidencing their intention to return following the surgery (ie. lease agreement, proof of land ownership, marriage certificate for parents, birth certificates for any other children, etc.);

2.  Copy of Child's birth certificate; and
3.  Passport sized digital photos for applicants prepared in accordance with the attached photo specifications;

 Please see below the specifications of the digital photo that is required.

- Dimensions:  
  • The final frame size of the photo must be at least 35 mm x 45 mm (1 3/8" x 1 ¾").
  • The photographs must show the full front view of the head, with the face in the middle of the photograph, and include the top of the shoulders.
  • The size of the head, from chin to crown, must be between 31 mm (1 ¼") and 36 mm (1 7/16").
  • Digital dimensions are often expressed in pixels or DPI (dots per inch).  The physical dimensions in pixels must be at least 420 x 540.
- Quality/Resolution:
  • If an existing photo is being scanned, the minimum resolution must be 600 pixels per inch.
- File Format:
  • The file may be submitted in JPEG or JPEG2000 format.
- File Size:
  • The final size of the image should be ideally 240 kB (kilobytes), but not less than 60 kB.
- Colour:
  • The image must be in color (24 bits per pixel) in sRGB colour space which is the common output for most digital cameras..

* August 05:  

FRAGOMEN requested payment ($200) to CIC (payment done same day)
FRAGOMEN informed:
The application for a Canadian Temporary Resident Visa for both (Child and mother) have successfully been submitted to Citizenship and Immigration Canada via the CIC online portal. 

* August 18:

FRAGOMEN requested payment ($85) for biometrics test (Payment done same day)

* August 19:

FRAGOMEN received the biometrics request letter for mother from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).

*  August 21:

FRAGOMEN received a notification from CIC requesting both Child and his mother's passports. 
The passports must be received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada within 30 days from the date of the attached letters.

Please find the instructions attached.
  • Submit your passport at the visa application centre You can submit your passports by mail or in person.
    With your passports, make sure you include:
    • The passport request letter you received from CIC
    • Any applicable VAC fees, such as passport transmission fees

    Check the website of your closest visa application centre (VAC) for more information regarding Passport Transmission Services:

 * August 26:

VISAs issued

Family informed and sent copies of VISAs to VSCAS and FRAGOMEN

* August 27:

Family sent copies of VISAs to FRAGOMEN
FRAGOMEN recommendation:
The Child and his mom are now free to travel to Canada with their original passports and visas. Upon arrival, the Officer may ask them about the purpose of their trip. As such, I have attached the invitation letter from Sick Kids Hospital to this email, for Mother to carry with her when travelling, Also, Mother should carry the attached consent letter with her since she will be travelling without Child's father. As the applications have already been reviewed and approved, I do not anticipate the Officer asking many questions, but I am providing the attached documentation just to be safe. 

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